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A committee is presided by Mr Pawan Kumar and Saloni Chauhan to conduct various sports in the school pure Pratap of red house is head boy and Aakriti Chauhan from red house is head girl. Our school team of Volleyball has participated CBSE cluster on 14th November 2018

Mrs Rachna Khanna is head of activity committee along with amreen Jahan.

Najma is appointed the head of extra curricular committee

All the reading and writing work is done in school no homework is given in class first and second Committee of innovative practices is headed by coordinator Ms Rama Singh and science teacher Mr Adnan Iqbal student are given task to do do stuff in innovative ways To manage the load of homework v constituted A committee that it includes Mr Keshav and Mr Anwar Hussain they are available 24 into 7 on school helpline number

Sst- 1-8 Timex 9-10 Evergreen publications

English - 1-8 learnwell 9-10 ncert

Hindi - Rachna Sagar 9 -10 ncert

Maths -Cordova 9 -10 ncert

Computer -1-8 Genext 9-10 Gurudas kapoor and sons

Science -1-8 Rachna Sagar 9-10 ncert