The school follows the annual calendar issued by the department of education. The school session begins in April and ends in march. Summer vacation vary each year and must be verified from the “School Almanac” Gazetted holidays are followed as per government rule. Detailed about school events are also listened in the “School Almanac.”
- Summer- 07:40 A.M. to 01:30 P.M.
- Winter - 8:40 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
Date of payment
- Ist Quarter - April to June - 1st to the 15th of April
- IInd Quarter - July to September - 1st to the 15th of July
- IIIrd Quarter - October to December - 1st to the 15th of October
- IVth Quarter - January to March - 1st to the 15th of January
Note :- Last Date of Payment 15th date of previous month of every quarter
Every students have to clear all dues latest by 15th January and incase of default he\she will be prevented in the annual examination. Result will not be handed over to people who fail to clear dues. Those who fail to pay fee by 15th of month shall paid with the fine of 100 rupees by the end of month. Those who don’t pay monthly fee, will not be allowed to allowed to continue the classes in next month which will be considered as unauthorized leave.